
Showing posts from March, 2022

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  05:02  - Where is the earliest mention of the celebration of the Eucharist outside of the bible?   12:17  - I ran into a claim that Jesus was actually King Tut. I heard it said that the name Tut also means “I Am that I Am.” Can you help refute it?   14:38  - What would be the Catholic response to Dispensationalism?   21:55  - Could I be a moral car salesman?   24:13  - If God knew that I would be skeptical and that would lead to hell, does that mean that he created me just to suffer?   29:34  - Does the Church have a teaching on the fundamental option?   34:38  - I had a Protestant tell me that we don’t have a choice on which graces we receive from God. How do I respond to this?   42:52  - During the Collect at Mass the priest no longer says, “One God forever and ever,” and now just says “God, Forever and Ever.” Why was there a change?   45:46  - Where can I find in the bible that we are supposed...

Catholic Answers Live - On the Dignity of Women

  16:29  - Could you share more information about your work?   23:44  - How can I explain to people that men and women are different? Why is that a good thing?   29:26  - How do we charitably defend our womanhood in a society that says womanhood is malleable?   48:17  - I’m a 1950’s wife and it’s good to have some support and reassurance!   51:03  - Do you think women should be required to register for the draft?  

Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith

  04:30  - Are there any questions that Catholics can ask Protestants instead of always being on the defense?   04:30  - Are there any questions that Catholics can ask Protestants instead of always being on the defense?   12:30  - How do I respond to my friend who asked me why Catholics believe vasectomies are wrong?   20:52  - Does God have love for people who ultimately choose hell?   29:43  - How do I respond to a Protestant friend when he brings up the 7 Churches in Revelation in response to the Catholic Church is the one true Church?   35:28  - How does the Catholic Church prove that Jesus founded the Catholic Church?     45:13  - How do I respond a Protestant arguing for Sola Scriptura.  I was stumped with 2 Peter 3:15. Can you help clarify?   52:54  - Follow up to your response that God does not grieve like us. I don’t think I can use that defense because it contradicts scripture. Can y...

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers Quiz Show

Catholic Answers Live - Bonds of Marriage

  34:05  - I met my wife when I was 50. None of us can have kids but both of us willed to be together. She now has dementia, but I visit her every day at the home she lives at now.   37:40  - I’m someone who’s trying to take the Faith seriously, but my partner is not. We are in the process of getting our civil marriage blessed by the Church. How can I present the faith to her in a sympathetic way?   45:00  - Can you speak on the Church’s official teaching on people who want to get married but can’t have kids because of age?   48:28  - How do we reconcile the Catholic view of marriage with other cultural views that exist?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  01:45  - How is it remotely right that annulment due to canonical form means that a person who was baptized Catholic but left the church in their teens and was married in a protestant church isn’t really considered married by the Catholic Church and they could get it annulled if they came back? How does this actually work and what am I misunderstanding because I don’t see how that’s remotely justified   10:42  - What would you say to a protestant who doesn’t see the need to go to church on Sunday?   15:03  - Is it wrong to address the Angel Gabriel as “archangel”? I have learned from Wikipedia that he is an archangel 2nd in command. Is it a Catholic teaching to acknowledge Gabriel as archangel, what is the difference between the two?   18:48  - Since the LXX was the basis for our current Bible, why weren’t all of the LXX’s books included in the Bible?   21:15  - Question 1: When are Catholics required to give their full assent to the t...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  06:00  - Does the physical material (for example, bone or hair or tooth or whatever) of a given saint’s relic bear upon its Wonder-Working Providence?   11:56  - How can one better understand the trinity without falling into one of the many heresies there are? Why does it seem like there is a hierarchy when Christ says that the Father is greater than Him when all are equally God?   17:23  - Is God “complicated”? It has been bandied about that God has “His” time to call us home. Regardless… I’m not sure that I think this.   22:15  - When a new saint is canonized who identifies the attributes that one sees in depictions of that saint? This assumes that there is an actual selection, as opposed to a tradition arising that “sticks” by attrition as the years go by. Similarly, who identifies the patronages, if that’s a real word. Example: When St. Jimmy is canonized one day, who will decide that you’re always to be depicted wearing a cowboy hat, and th...

Catholic Answers Live - Whys of Catholic Belief

  02:00  - Why do we believe that Mary is in heaven with her glorified body and not Moses and the Old Testament prophets? 08:03  - Regarding the prayer for the faithful depart, why do we pray for the “faithful” departed and not the unfaithful? 13:28  - Our Lord died for our sins but why do we still have to pay for our sins in purgatory? 20:00  - Why do we not have the same belief of the Eucharist as with Protestants? And why do we have the body and blood and they don’t? 28:53  - How do we know that guardian angels don’t leave them when they become adults? Do adults have them too? 34:34  - How do you address a non-Catholic on Catholic issues who only believes what’s written in the bible? 43:00  - Follow up on communion question: Can you receive communion at different non-Catholic churches? 46:07  - Why do we believe that at the end of time the Jews will come to the Faith and Catholics will leave it? 50:19  - If the Catholic Church is the ...

Catholic Answers Live - Whys of Catholic Belief

  Questions Covered: 04:32  - Why ask for forgiveness during prayer if absolution is only offered during confession?   15:35  - Why do we believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary?   20:07  - If God is all loving and merciful, why do we have to fear the punishment of sin?   23:33  - If you sin with the thought that you will just go to confession after, will you still be forgiven?   28:57  - Why Catholicism and not Greek Orthodoxy?   36:59  - Why do Catholics believe in guardian angels and is it obligatory for Catholics to believe in them?   44:06  - Why aren’t a wider range of Papal utterances protected by papal infallibility?   50:32  - Why is it necessary to be married in the Church, even for fallen away Catholics?     Resources:  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

05:38 – In Deuteronomy 22:28-29 It talks about a man lying with a virgin. What does it mean from the Catholic perspective?   16:12  - I’m a 2nd grade catechist. They want to know why God judged Adam and Eve so harshly? Why couldn’t it be just a teaching moment?   22:22  - What if a person holds back a sin due to shame before their wedding? Will that person’s confession and marriage be valid?   24:30  - Why did God direct the Israelites to kill the other nations who were occupying the promised land if we’re all God’s children?   35:43  - I’m blind and I just wanted to tell Cy thank you and I love your audio book.   41:25  - My protestant friend called me and told me that he was convinced that hell doesn’t exist. Could you explain if it does exist and how you get there?  How could it exist if Jesus died for everyone?   48:46  - If the sacraments are efficacious should we expect a temporal manifestation of that grace?   ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  02:15  - Should we avoid any forms of media that can be linked to the demonic?   12:18  - Why did the Church in the west retain the Latin language in the liturgy? Prior to the Reformation, were homilies delivered in Latin? How would you answer a protestant if they say that the Church kept everything in Latin to keep people from understanding?   23:10  - My sister is going to marry a non-Catholic outside of the Church. Will her marriage be a valid Christian marriage?   28:43  - Why do some bibles have different chapter numbers for the Psalms?   31:35  - What did the souls that went to heaven do differently from the souls that went to purgatory?   46:10  - Why do we believe that Jesus is not speaking in hyperbole in John 6?  

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

  10:05  - Did Adam and Eve benefit in any way from eating of the fruit before being expelled from the garden? 11:35  - James and John talked about sitting on Jesus left and right and Jesus rebuked them. On the cross Jesus told the good thief that he would be sitting by his side in heaven. Could you clarify this for me? 14:05  - We as Catholics are told to call priests father when in the bible it says call no man father? 19:12  - What’s the biblical basis of relics? 28:40  - What do you think of the Douay-Rheims in terms of it coming from older manuscripts that are now available? 38:55  - In the bible it says having faith the size of a mustard seed can move a tree. How can I know that I have faith? 43:50  - In Deuteronomy 23:12 and Wisdom starts at 3:16, it says that children born through illegitimate births will not inherit heaven. Can you clarify this for me? 51:11  - I’ve heard it said that one doesn’t have to believe in personal revelatio...

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

  06:05  - Could you expound upon the writer and history of the book of Sirach? 15:42  - How did all the races change after the flood? 31:21  - Mary Magdalene went to touch Jesus and was told not to touch him. Jesus then told Thomas to touch him. Why was Mary Magdalene not allowed to touch him, but Thomas was? 36:13  - Is there biblical support for intercession over praying to saints? 43:16  - Does the Catholic Church have an official translation of the Septuagint? 48:22  - Does Jesus actually mean that we are consuming his flesh and not bread?

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  12:36  - Was the Lazarus that received the drop of water on his tongue the same Lazarus that was Mary and Martha’s brother? I hear of a lot of Mary’s apart from the Virgin Mary, are they all the same woman?   17:31  - The pope said we have a moral obligation to take vaccines. Is this true?   20:08  - I’m protestant and I’m exploring Catholicism. Where does one start with a true clear picture of Catholicism?   29:33  - How can you be assured of your forgiveness of sins? In Purgatory you’re being purified from attachment, but I’ve read that people went to hell because of their attachment. Why wouldn’t they just go to purgatory?   40:24  - I was told the word homosexuality was never mentioned in the bible up until 1946. Is this true?   50:04  - I’ve heard it said that it was impossible for Jesus to sin. Could you explain?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  08:11  - What are the consequences in the next life of not receiving indulgences while on earth?   17:06  - Is there a papal dispensation for eating meat while traveling on an airplane?   19:53  - I had friends ask about the Council of Trent. What were the main topics? Was there anything declared in that council that was retracted at Vatican 1 or Vatican 2?   23:37  - Responding to your article on Armageddon and translation. Could it be translated differently from Mount Meddido?   35:42  - Are sedevacantists in heresy as well as schism? Could you clarify the definition of heresy?   43:25  - Regarding Moses and the stories of how magicians could replicate his power. Could you clarify what they meant by magic?   52:31  - Why is bodily mortification not seen as wrong?  

Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren't You Catholic?

  01:55  - I’m atheist, so all of the reason are why I’m not Catholic. Catholics like to rename everything that they took from Judaism.     13:26  - I grew up in a different religion and I see no reason to convert.   23:07  - The power of Church Tradition to declare things necessary for salvation. Specifically, the Immaculate Conception.   40:36  - I’m not Catholic because of the Church’s crimes against humanity.   50:35  - I’m 70 and the Church used to be legalistic and felt very toxic.  

Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren't You Catholic?

  07:14  - I’ve been visiting lots of Catholic churches and was contemplating converting but what really turned me off was watching people sell lottery tickets after Mass.   20:15  - I was Catholic and left 30 years ago and started attending a Methodist church. My question is why do we need to belong to something?   28:56  - St. Paul said the antichrist was going to come after he died. I believe the Catholic Church is the antichrist.   42:27  - I don’t think the historical development of the papacy is biblical.  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  02:43  - Is it ok to copy and paste parts from your website and post them on forums when responding to protestants? In the context of 1 Peter 3:19 Does baptism save you? 16:24  - I’ve seen a lot of young people attracted to the Traditional Latin Mass, should we start having more Latin Masses? 18:42  - If you give something up for Lent and decide to enjoy it on Sundays, what time can I start? Can you start at the vigil? 22:55  - I’ve heard that cursed rosaries from Africa are being circulated. What should we do with them and what does a curse do? 28:48  - A devout Catholic asked me the following question: Is there a telepathic connection between mother and child? Can you help me answer it properly? 33:49  - What does the Church teach about guitars in mass and contemporary music? 41:25  - I have a lot of friends that work in the night life industry that I want to share the Faith with. How can I share the Faith and how does your work life affect yo...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  05:00  - Was the reading “love your enemies,” an image of how God responds to his enemies? 15:20  - Is there any theology for praying for the intercession of the souls of aborted children? 17:45  - I’ve heard it said that in Catholic theology the “means doesn’t justify the ends.” How do we reconcile this with solving the problem of evil? 20:28  - I don’t quite understand the joint declaration of justification between the Lutherans and the Catholics. Could you clarify it for me? 23:57  - On the invalid baptism: could you clarify, is it unsolvable unless someone goes back to check the documentation? 28:48 – Are you familiar with the Sermon of St. Leonard Port Mourice entitled “Few Are Saved.” What do you think about how the Church has shifted away from focusing on salvation, especially in homilies? 32:57  - Were Adam and Eve the people Cain was afraid of after he murdered his brother? Who else was there when Cain asked for the mark of protection? 39:38...

Catholic Answers Live - Accompanying Those with Same Sex Attraction

  05:36  - Whenever a heterosexual couple calls, you say “God bless you, you have a heavy cross, we will pray for you” but when a homosexual person calls, you never say those things to them. How do you answer for this?   14:18  - I have a daughter with same sex attractions and her significant other is divorced while as the same time identifying as trans. How can I compassionately respond to this situation?   19:43  - Over 50% of Catholics in America are secularizing themselves and supporting LGBT beliefs while at the same time rejecting the official teachings on this issue. Why do you think that is?   23:42  - I feel like you guys have always been compassionate, and I thank you for that.   32:30  - I’ve heard it said that same sex attractions can be malleable, what is your understanding of this idea? Is there any group that serves that goal?     39:10  - I’m familiar with Encourage, there is a virtual audio ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  3:00 – What is the difference between propitiation, atonement, satisfaction, and expiation?   7:46 – Regarding veiling in the Church, why was veiling not true for all time in the Church’s teaching?   14:56  - My Jewish friend said he doesn’t accept Jesus as the Jewish messiah because Elijah didn’t come and didn’t fulfill the prophecy. How do I respond?   21:39  - What does it mean when Jesus says that there are many rooms in his Father’s house?   23:25  - Seeing as beliefs are not a choice but a compulsion, where do you stand regarding Romans 2: “People know what God is, it is written on their hearts, and they suppress it.”   40:45  - How can there be a guard at Jesus’ tomb if it was the sabbath and they weren’t supposed to work on a sabbath?   45:25  - Regarding almsgiving. What type of emphasis does the Church place on private property?  

Catholic Answers Live - Panel Show

  Topics:   13:40  - “Don’t Say Gay” Bill   33:15  - Rising Housing Costs   47:17  - “No Fancy Fish on Fridays”   Questions:    23:37 – I have comments on reasonable expectation of the success in just war.   

Catholic Answers Live - Panel Show

Topics:  16:00  - Just war: Ukraine and Russia  28:00  - Endurance Fining   36:30  - Texas Transgender Bill  Questions:  52:45 – I have some comments on the war.     

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered: 04:19  - I’m Catholic and was talking to an Orthodox priest. He said that Jn. 15:26 rejects the Filioque. How can I respond?   16:01  - What is the Church’s teaching on corporate personhood?   19:04  - On the nature of angels, are they inside or outside of the material created world?   21:28  - Why does the communion wafer look the way it does and how it was standardized?     28:40  - What is the interpretation Romans 10:6-7?  “But the righteousness that comes from faith says, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (That is, to bring Christ down) “or ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’” (That is, to bring Christ up from the dead).”   32:17  - Were there extra-biblical sources used in the writing of the Pentateuch? What’s the process of the redactors of the oral traditions?   42:21  - are those that learned the Faith in Catholic school but now reject the faith, in ...

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

  Questions Covered: 01:28  - I was reading a book about the Reformation and it says that Luther was a heretic. I heard you call Protestants our brothers, but would they be considered heretics too?   07:02  - What would you say to someone who accepts that Jesus founded the Catholic Church but can’t accept that errors weren’t introduced at some point in time?   14:20  - Can you explain Substitutionary Atonement Theory? Why do Catholics reject it and Protestants accept it?   20:33  - Who are the beneficiaries of the promises of Abraham? Where are those people now?   24:29  - I’m Catholic and believe in purgatory but I have a hard time with the following question: How do our prayers help people in purgatory?   31:29  - I’ve heard it said that Faith Alone is sufficient for Salvation but in James I see Faith without work is dead. Also, Jesus killed the fig tree after seeing that it produced no fruit. What is the Catholic teaching on...

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

  Questions Covered: 07:27  - Why are saints and their intercession necessary? Can’t I just go to Jesus?   15:30  - Jesus says that John the Baptist is the greatest man, so how do Catholics justify saying that Mary is above all others?   19:11  - I heard that some theologians doubt Job existed. They also question the 6 days of creation.  How do Catholics understand this? Is there an official position?   28:33  - What do you think is the strongest objection that a protestant can have?   35:25  - A friend was explaining the 5 basic points of Calvinism (TULIP). How can we respond to the question of predestination?   43:48  - How do I talk to Protestants about the real presence in the Eucharist?   50:53 –What does the title  Pontiff Maximus  mean and why did the pope adopt?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered: 02:35  - When we go to heaven does our knowledge of God continue to grow or does it stay the same? 12:44  - Was there a creed written in the Council of Trent? 16:23  - How can we answer the sedevacantist objection that the pope is legally elected but doesn’t have the authority of the pope? 22:17  - I’m reading St Augustine and I wanted to know, how do we reconcile free will and concupiscence? 33:56  - Is there a religious implication to the conflict in Ukraine right now? 41:44  - Everyone describes heaven with no more tears, but we keep getting messages from Mary that she’s saddened for souls? How do we reconcile this? 47:50  - Tim, you mentioned the seat of Moses in your CASA course, how does that play out for Christians after the resurrection? 52:49  - What lineage is Mary from? Was she from the line of David?

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered: 03:57  - Is it possible for us as men who are living chaste appreciate a woman’s body without falling into sin?   13:31  - Is 1 Corinth 3:11-15 a typological reference Wisdom 3:1-7?   16:23  - What is one’s personal responsibility when it comes to end of life issues?   24:46  - I’ve asked my husband to pray together during lent and it still hasn’t happened. How can I encourage him to pray with me?   31:17  - I’m a convert but I still struggle with the teaching purgatory. I feel as though the verse “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” supports people going to heaven. Can you help clarify it for me?   43:27  - How can you show a protestant the truth of the Catholic faith when they don’t know the bible or doctrine?   49:44  - I try to pray without ceasing but when I’m praying, I feel my peace goes away for a bit and comes back. Can that be attributed to evil or dark e...

Catholic Answers Live - Understanding Eastern Christianity

  Questions Covered: 13:47  - Is there a cycle of readings in the Eastern Churches, and what are they? How do they differ from the west? Are they similar to the readings from Orthodoxy?   17:56  - I’m part of the Assyrian Church of the East, being in partial communion what should I do? Should I seek full communion?   22:09  - For any of the Orthodox churches to come into the Church, does it boil down to the primacy of Peter or are the other things that are in the way?   30:41  - Why do you think we don’t talk about the eastern rites among Catechism classes?   34:36  - I’m Eastern Orthodox. Why did you convert from Orthodoxy to Catholicism? Is there anything else we can do to promote unity apart from praying?   42:33  - I heard that as a Catholic you can go to an Orthodox divine liturgy and fulfill the Sunday obligation. Is this true?   44:51  - Can you explain the use of the prayer rope in the east?   47:27 ...