
Showing posts from December, 2021

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  03:45  - Could you talk about how we as present-day Christians are fulfilling divine protocol and honoring who preceded us in the church? 11:50  - If a couple is married civilly for the sake of the children but plans to get married in the church later on, if one or both of them go to confession, would it be considered valid? 15:30  - Why does the USCCB designate some days as Holy Days and others as Holy Days of obligation? 21:20  - Assuming that there is only one creator in all of existence, can you logically conclude that this creator is omnipotent? 24:30  - I know that Jesus can tell a mountain to move, and it will move, but what does the church say about the authority we have as baptized Christians over creation? 36:20  - When Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit, does that mean that God adopted us into the family? If so, then why do we have to have baptism? Also, what question do you wish that I asked and what would be the answer to that? 44:1...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  06:50  - According to tradition, Peter was a bishop of Antioch, but later went on to find the Church of Rome. The Eastern Orthodox tend to bring it up as a contention against Papal supremacy. How can we argue against this?   13:45  - What would’ve happened if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned?   17:45  - I’m addicted to watching alien shows/content and it’s had a negative effect on my faith. Can you give me some tips on how to reconcile my interest with my faith?   23:45  - I feel sometimes that even though I have everything, it all feels mundane, and I have a thirst for Heaven. It feels like a prison. Can you tell me how I can deal with this?   35:30  - How can I bring someone to the faith who doesn’t really read the bible?   45:00  - I have a friend who’s a deacon in the Coptic church, and he tells me that when Joseph and Mary left with the baby Jesus to go to Egypt, they were there for 3 years. If that’s true, how was he presente...

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

  03:30  - How does the 8th day play into the sabbath? 18:40  - How do we respond to the object that we’re just picking and choosing what the church fathers said? 29:45  - Can you articulate the difference between what happened on the cross from a Reformed Christian position and the Catholic position? If you could start at the death of Jesus and go through the resurrection, not leaving out the Reformed Protestant/Calvinist position of feeling the wrath of God. 41:10  - Was it necessary for Christology for Jesus to be virgin-born? 45:20  - I’m not Catholic but at Christmas time I always watch the mass. How far back do the rituals of the mass go? 48:50  - What is the evidence that the Church believed in the Immaculate Conception before it was defined? Were there any early church fathers that believed in it before it was defined?

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

  06:35  - My mother is Episcopal but I’m Catholic. What can I tell her that will really get her over the hump and want to become Catholic? 15:00  - I have a protestant family member that asked, “Why do Catholics believe that Mary didn’t die and where can we find it in the bible?” 18:40  - There’re certain popes who have told some notoriously bad lies. Given that the pope is supposed to be the vicar of Christ, why is he able to act that way? Wouldn’t the holy spirit lead him away from that? 28:50  - My Protestant roommate has assented to the truth of Catholicism. However, he has such a thriving church community at his Protestant church that he’s hesitant to leave and commit to becoming Catholic. What are some arguments I can use to help him fully cross over into wanting to become Catholic? 45:30  - I feel baptism is not the right thing to do to a baby and that it should be a conscious decision of an adult. Could you give some examples from the bible of wher...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  04:47  - Do you think there’s going to be a future with the Latin Mass or is the Pope trying to get rid of it entirely?   12:24  - According to Protestantism, they repent, their sins are forgiven, and they go to heaven. If we as Catholics don’t confess them to a priest, they are not forgiven, and we cannot go to heaven. Why is it that our terms are different?   21:43  - Paragraph 603 of the Catechism says, “Jesus assumed us in the state of our waywardness of sin”. Could you unpack and clarify this? I understand the son of God became a human being with all of our characteristics other than sin. If this is true, then how did He have “waywardness” Himself?   30:02  - John 3 says you need to be baptized to be saved. Luke 7 says your faith saves you. How did the woman in Luke get saved without Baptism?   36:23  - My daughter is having problems with fertility and her OB GYN is recommending she freeze her eggs. What is the Catholic Church’s v...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  04:20  - Why is it that lay people cannot offer the Eucharist, at least to a limited capacity/ privately?   12:47  - What are some ways or methods to prove Apostolic Succession, going back to the apostles?   18:56  - Is it a contradiction that God is both perfectly merciful and perfectly just?   29:39  - I’m a recovering alcoholic and my kids told me I lashed out and that they prayed over me/ performed an exorcism. I ended up becoming sober a month later, but I have no memory of any of it. Can you tell me if it was valid?   40:30  - When we recite the creed, we say Jesus “will come again to judge the living and the dead”. If Jesus died for our sins, how does judgement come into play later on?   4:17 – Is it ok to take the COVID vaccine if it’s been tested on aborted fetal cells?   50:44  - I have friends who are bible Christians, and they have an aversion to Mary and the rosary. How can I respond to them saying that beca...

Catholic Answers Live - Which Catholic Doctrine Troubles You?

  05:45  - I feel the Catholic policies on priests being celibate and born-again protestants not being able to receive the Eucharist are wrong.   15:34  - I’m a protestant. Could you give an explanation on baptism being tied to salvation?   20:44  - What does the sacrifice of the mass refer to? Wasn’t Jesus already sacrificed?   29:01  - How can you go from experiencing Christ in the eucharist not just from a theoretical standpoint but a personal one as well?   40:20  - Could you provide some clarification on the Catholic Church’s teaching on the redemption of Christ? How does He redeem our souls with His death?   46:50  - I know that you’re supposed to confess past mortal sins if you remember them, but does this apply to someone with scrupulosity that has trouble discerning whether a sin is mortal or not? 49:53  - Why does the church have a stance of being against in vitro fertilization if God said to “be fruitful and mul...

Catholic Answers Live - Persuasive Pro-Life

  05:13  - I heard you quote there are less abortions now than before Roe V. Wade. I’ve had a pro-abortion friend tell me the same thing. How do you find a statistic like that? 16:42  - Do you think it’s morally correct to take the vaccine and how do you think it will have an effect on the pro-life movement? 28:46  - Why does the church advocate specifically for vaccines if they know they use aborted fetal cells in their development? 33:42  - My wife had an ectopic pregnancy and miscarried the baby at 6 weeks. Where does the church say the baby goes to? Are they in heaven or limbo? 43:57  - Can you disprove that Jesus was pro-choice? I really feel like Jesus wants us to choose life.

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  02:55  - Does the original 1611 King James version of the Bible have the deuterocanonical books in it? I know the Douay-Rheims version does but would that King James version be ok?   07:10  - Is it a sin to listen to music that has swear words? Can you enjoy it even if you don’t agree with what they’re talking about?   13:10  - I was raised a Catholic but have been away and haven’t gone to reconciliation for a number of years. All I remember is going as a child. How does an adult go to reconciliation?   20:15  - How could the Catholic Church have avoided The Great Schism and The Protestant Reformation?   29:54  - I’m doing my best to fast and pray but it almost feels like nothing is coming of it, especially with trying to end abortion and euthanasia. I just don’t know what else I can do. How can I get past this point?   35:32  - Since Mary was born without original sin, didn’t that predispose her to say yes to the angel Gabri...

Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest

  05:10  - We were just informed that our granddaughter is bisexual and has a friend that is becoming transgender. How do we treat this situation?   12:47  - I am recently divorced. I’ve already talked to a priest, and he said we have grounds for annulment. How soon should I go about starting this process?   18:20  - What is the point of elevation during mass?   21:46  - My family friend bought a book for Christmas and the past 5 or 10 years, the author has been implicating the Holy Father in nefarious end time prophecies. Can I trust him and his book regarding these prophecies?   29:41  - I had a friend get a chapel veil for a Christmas present. Could you tell me more about it? When and how did it come about and when is it appropriate to wear one?   32:03  - How are we supposed to deal with someone that is in a same-sex relationship at our church? They’re in a leadership position and actively leading young people astray. It se...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  01:30  - A friend of mine says historically the transubstantiation was just developed by the authority and the clergy to get people to give more money and to control the church. She also said that priests are celibate because the church didn’t want to pay for wives and children. Are either of these statements true? 11:30  - What do you think of the book “Purgatory” by Father FX Schouppe? 16:15  - How does retirement work with Jesus saying not to store up treasures? 19:25  - Why do we have to wait until children are born for them to be baptized? If there is a surgery done where they must be taken out of the womb and then put back in, could they be baptized during that time? 22:00  - Could you talk about Hebrews 10:29, specifically where it mentions “sanctifying”? When I was having a dialogue with some Calvinists, they said he who is being sanctified is Jesus himself but to me it seems that it’s talking about a person who is falling away from the faith. 34:...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  03:40  - What do Ch 65 and 66 mean in terms of a new heaven and new earth? Does sabbath rest on Saturday night and Sunday night still apply?   14:00  - If you are getting someone the sacraments in an extraordinary matter and you have doubts if they know of the necessary truths, is it ok to share those truths with that person? How can someone validly receive last rites if they’re not Catholic?   18:25  - Is it possible for humans to communicate with animals telepathically other than just speaking?   28:50  - I’m seriously considering joining the Catholic Church but I have problems with how Catholicism changes what the bible says. For example, where it says “Eat the bread and drink the wine,” however, I have yet to go to a Catholic church that serves the wine.   35:10  - I haven’t gone through confirmation yet but I want to change rites, from the Latin rite to Byzantine rite. How can I go about that?   39:25  - In your opinion,...

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

  05:10  - What is the meaning of Matthew 24:28 because it’s translated differently. One says “where the carcass is the vultures will gather”. Another says “where the body is the eagles will gather”. Is it talking about the church and the saints? If so, why do some translations not seem that way? 15:30  - What is happening in the book of Tobit to Sarah’s previous husband? Is God allowing the demons to kill the husband? Or is it more figurative?   16:52  - My son was saying he doesn’t understand in Job why God is allowing all these things to happen to Job. He thinks it’s unfair and that it’s really then the work of the devil. How can I explain why God is allowing these things to happen?   21:58  - What are some resources I can use to better understand the bible?   24:12  - What is the connection between 1st Thessalonians Ch 4:14 and the assumption of Mary? It’s in my rosary pamphlet so I was wondering if you could offer any other passages conn...

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

4:21 – Did the blessings from the Old Testament from Abraham and the prophets have any supernatural benefits attached to them? 12:04  - In your book “The Bible is a Catholic Book”, you said that after the apostolic age, no new scripture was written. Where can I find more information/evidence on this? 14:50  - Why does the book of Daniel at end of Ch 14 feature a second incident of Daniel being thrown in the lion’s den? 19:32  - Were the guards at the tomb Roman or Jewish? What does church history tell us about them? 22:22  - At the presentation of Jesus at the temple, Simeon says to Mary “a sword will pierce your heart too so that the thoughts of many can be revealed” What does that mean, specifically, “that the thoughts of many can be revealed”? 29:00  - Is there any way to reconcile the Torah, the Christian bibles, and the Koran? 32:52  - What is the historical/ biblical evidence for apostolic succession? I’ve been having a discussion with a protestant ab...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  05:57  - What is the difference between salvation and redemption? Who paid the cost for redemption?   07:56  - I’m a revert and I found out that since my wife and I were married outside the church, it’s not found valid. Can I have some clarification as to how our marriage is seen in the eyes of the church and how to go about this “hiatus” until we get it validated?   13:41  - Is there any reference in the bible to there being a “mother” God or a female figure God?   17:41  - If you’re going to have a religious practice that’s trying to study the heart and mind of reality, why wouldn’t your religion be totally scientifically based, Catholicism seems to always be on the coattails of science.   21:47  - I had a Methodist friend who argued for female ordination and brought up St Paul mentioning Junia, saying she was “honored among the apostles”. Could you talk about this and what it means in terms of females being able to be ordained? ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  06:20  - How can Jesus be both finite and infinite at the same time?   14:35  - In Hebrews 10:5-10 where it says “but a body you prepared for me,” is the “body” the body of Jesus or the body of the Blessed Mother?   17:05  - Why in Leviticus and Deuteronomy is the penalty for breaking so many laws death?   20:53  - How is the word “brother” used in the bible? Is it always just in the literal sense? In Luke 1:36 I believe it’s used differently.   28:39  - During the great schism, if the bishop of Rome separated from the rest of the patriarchy, why wouldn’t that be considered a judgement on the see of Rome by the united church of the first millennium?   33:21  - After the resurrection of Jesus, he tells Mary Magdalene not to touch him because he hasn’t gone to the father, but Thomas sticks his fingers in the wound prior to him going to the father. Why is that?   36:22  - I’m a confessional Lutheran, could you give me ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  07:26  - Where I live, any gathering of more than 50 people requires you to be vaccinated. Some masses are being restricted to vaccinated persons only. What’s the moral procedure in requiring this sort of thing in order to receive the sacraments? 17:30  - Where did the King David star come from? 21:58  - If I have a child out of wedlock, am I able to receive communion after going to confession? 28:53  - I’ve noticed some books have two stamps that go on the front of books that say they’ve been reviewed by the bishop and/or are free from doctrinal error. Why would some books that deal with doctrine choose not to be reviewed and approved in this way? 33:16  - I had a discussion with someone about praying to Mary and I said that Jesus obeyed the commandment to honor his mother and father. How do I respond to him asking if Jesus prayed to Mary? 36:42  - Is it true that when you receive Jesus that you are also receiving a part of Mary? 44:48  - Why w...

Catholic Answers Live - Jesus

  24:00  - When we as Catholics say Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, how do we know that the writers didn’t do that intentionally? 35:05  - Is there a Catholic book that talks about what happened between the Old Testament and the New Testament? 43:55  - How do you find the Immaculate Conception in scripture? 51:46  - I think when Jesus was walking with the two disciples after his resurrection is when he was connecting the dots between the Old and New Testament.

Catholic Answers Live - The Catholic Church was the Early Church

  07:02  - Is holy orders necessary for someone to receive a valid sacrament from them?   17:03  - Did the Catholic Church start novenas?   21:53  - Is it ok for Christians to uphold some stoic thought? Also was Saint Paul influenced by stoicism at all?   25:09  - How did the early Christians interpret the words “the Holy Catholic Church” in the Apostles Creed?   32:45  - I heard that Augustine taught that baptism was done “ex opere operato”, but the fathers before him taught that it was through faith. Why is that?   36:45  - I was reading your book Pope Peter and you had a different interpretation to Galatians Ch 2. How did you come to the conclusion that the James that’s being spoken about is James, son of Zebedee and not James, son of Altheas?   43:00  - If I belong to a church that is in communion with Rome, like Lutheran or Orthodox, then why should I become Catholic?   50:01  - When did the T...

Catholic Answers Live - The Early Church was the Catholic Church

  18:53  - How can we be sure that Church Fathers weren’t just handpicked to fit the views of The Church? Why should we listen to their words as opposed to other people of importance?   32:10  - Did the Catholic Church embrace or allow certain pagan practices? For example, the Christmas tree, giving presents, hanging lights, etc.   49:20  - Could you explain how to distinguish between when Jesus and the church fathers are speaking symbolically and literally? Specifically, how to answer Protestants that argue that Jesus was just speaking symbolically about the real presence of the Eucharist.  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  04:11  - From a Catholic perspective, is there any guidance or are there any rules regarding an age difference in a marriage?   06:48  - Who are the scribes and Pharisees that sit on the seat of Moses in Matthew 23:2?   13:37  - Does the church have any teachings about loved ones coming to visit us in our dreams? Is there anything in the bible that talks about it?   16:50  - Jimmy, you did a joint podcast with a Lutheran named Jordan B Cooper. What do you think it would take for Lutherans to be back in communion with the Catholic Church?   17:02  - What is to be said about the salvation of people of other religions that are very devoted to their practice of it?   29:55  - Lucifer was supposed to be the second most powerful being before he fell from heaven. How is Saint Michael able to defeat him if he’s not as powerful as him?   29:55  - Lucifer was supposed to be the second most powerful being before he fell from h...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

00:54  - Why can’t we commune with people that are dead? See them, talk to them, etc. My husband recently passed away.   17:00  - Why was a land flowing with milk and honey attractive to Jews if they’re lactose intolerant?   23:39  - In the garden of Eden, why is the “evil” tree called the tree of knowledge? A lot of atheists attack in this way, saying that God doesn’t want us to have knowledge.   33:14  - When Martin Luther left the Catholic Church, were there other Priests that either left with him or, if they didn’t leave, they agreed with him?   35:28  - How can infants be baptized if they have not repented? In the New Testament, it seems to insinuate that baptism is not possible without repentance and discipleship.   44:39  - In the Old Testament we have tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God. Why are we or aren’t we allowed to say this?   52:30  - If you wanted to understand the...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  01:13  - If a relative were on their deathbed and you wanted to call a priest to visit them, but their family was opposed to it, is it ok to still do it? What would be the prudent thing to do?   14:34  - I called in a couple weeks ago and you gave me an analogy about God’s forgiveness. Imagine you break your neighbor’s window while playing baseball. Even if the neighbor forgives you, there will still be a legal punishment, and someone still has to pay for it. Could you help me out with some problems I have with it?   20:29  - How should I answer people who say that religion should be a private thing and shouldn’t be shown in public?   28:55  - My wife is a part of a megachurch and says we don’t celebrate Easter correctly and Christmas shouldn’t be in December. How can I answer these disputes?   34:38  - We see people asking for money on the side of the road all the time. I know as Christians we are supposed to be gi...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  07:10  - Why isn’t our holy father doing more to unite the church? It seems like every time I turn around there’s more division rather unity. 13:45  - What do you, Father, think about Revelation 22:11 in relation to talking about how evil people will keep doing evil? 17:47  - I don’t know much about the King James version of the bible. Could you talk about it? Who created the translation? 21:23  - I’m Lutheran but I have a lot of “Latin mass Catholic” friends. I’m seeing a lot of current Catholics that have large followings call Pope Francis the “antichrist”, similar to what Martin Luther did. Why is this tolerated and why aren’t they subject to excommunication like him? 29:43  - In the liturgy of the Eucharist, why is it the “holy and living sacrifice” rather than just the one sacrifice in the cross? 34:21  - I have protestant friend who tells me there’s two baptisms. Could I get clarification on why we only have one baptism? She’s also confused as ...