
Showing posts from July, 2021

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  01:20  - What does it mean to say that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable?   03:40 – In light of the  motu proprio , why is the Latin Mass bad?   06:51  - How do I respond to the charge that the papacy has inherited its powers and office from the Roman emperor?   13:35  - I don’t understand the difference between the extraordinary and ordinary forms of Mass.   17:10  - What is the oldest religion?   22:15  - Do atheists have a guardian angel?   24:07  - What were the true origins of the Protestant Reformation?   32:42  - If angels don’t have free will, how did Lucifer and ⅓ of the angels rebel against God?   41:17  - Is anything linked to the number 666 considered evil, or are there other conditions that have to be met also?   46:53  - How do I talk to a friend who is cohabiting with someone and has a child with them, but doesn’t see the need...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  03:13  - What is the Catholic view on the nature of reality?   10:38  - Sometimes when the Bible speaks about the end times, it describes great disasters and apocalyptic events. However, Jesus also says he’ll come like a thief in the night. How do we reconcile these?   16:53  - If God has no potential, how do we explain Mt. 19:26 and Mk. 14:36?   19:05  - Where were Lazarus’s sisters when he was suffering and dying? Why weren’t they helping him?   29:00  - Can you tell me about the priestly lines of Aaron, David, and Melchizedek, how they are connected with the Priesthoods of Noah and Adam, which was the line(s) of Jesus, which lines are today’s Catholic priests, and if there are any other priestly lines?   36:45  - Since the Last Supper took place during the passover meal, what would it have looked like from a cultural standpoint when Jesus instituted the Eucharist in the middle of the meal?   42:18 ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Bible Blueprint for Baptism

  Questions Covered:    11:00  - What is baptism in the Holy Spirit? Is this different from baptism with water? Is it legitimate?   17:15  - Where is the biblical evidence for baptism for infants? John only baptized adults.   23:00  - Can lay people baptize in an emergency? And if so, can the person who was baptized be re-baptized later on?     31:10  - I have a 9 mo. old grandson and I’m trying to get him baptized and I’m wondering if I can baptize him in a protestant church and still raise him Catholic?   36:36  - I would like the Catholic understanding of original sin vs. the protestant understanding of original sin in relation to baptism.   46:42  - Some of my grand-children are not baptized and I’m very worried and I’m wondering how I can encourage them to get baptized?   52:24  - What is baptism of desire? I had a granddaughter born 2 weeks ago who...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:  02:15  - What is the Church’s position on speaking in tongues?   07:17  - Is the description of the appearance of angels symbolic for their glory?   16:31  - How do I convince my friend of the perpetual virginity of Mary?   28:39  - Would it be prudent to have a wedding reception at a masonic (as in Free Masons) center?   31:55  - Why didn’t we just keep using Latin in the Mass and just teach people Latin so that we really would be one united church, united under one language?   43:39  - I want to give Cy and Tim a compliment. A general question about king David.   48:27  - Can second cousins marry?   50:46  - I am new to Christianity and I am wondering where Judas Iscariot is right now?  

Catholic Answers Live - Changes to the Latin Mass

  Questions Covered:  29:08  - What does the Motu Proprio mean by “parochial parish”?   32:15  - A lot of commentaries jump around the issue of the Motu Proprio, that is, that Pope Francis wants to end the Latin Mass. I would like to get the bishop’s response to this.   35:48  - Can the bishop comment on the survey referred to in the Motu Proprio?   37:47  - Does the Motu Proprio reject documents of Vatican 2? It seems like it negates some of what the 2nd Vatican council tried to implement.   37:47  - Does the Motu Proprio reject the documents of Vatican 2? It seems like it negates some of what the 2nd Vatican council tried to implement.   40:36  - I’m 78 years old and I remember the drastic changes of Vatican 2 and I have seen the effect it has had on the church. I’m hoping that they can go back and change some of the decisions made in Vatican 2. I wish more people who were actually around during Vatican 2 would...

Catholic Answers Live - The Jesus Story

Catholic Answers Live - Why Personhood Matters

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum for Non Catholics

  Questions Covered: 02:05  - I was raised Baptist and we were given an “altar call” in our services. Christ says we must be “born again” but Catholics don’t have “altar calls” at their Masses. We need to “offer up an invitation” for Christ to enter our hearts but Catholics never seem to do this.   14:20  - I have a difficulty with what is presented as “catholic social teaching” and Catholic doctrine. I go to a school that is very progressive but they bear a Catholic name. Horribly progressive teachings are taught under the guise of “catholic social teaching” and I’m confused as to why these don’t line up with Catholic dogmas or doctrine?   29:30  - The bible says that the dead will be risen when Christ comes again. How can Catholics pray to saints when they are not in Heaven yet?   39:16  - How do Catholics see grace? Is it created or uncreated? Where does grace come from?   45:55  - If Mary is the Immacula...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum for Non Catholics

  Question Covered:    11:42  - I’m not a religious person at all. I think a lot of religions “sell you a dream” but when you look into the history of the Catholic Church and see all the sexual abuse, slavery, killing etc. it is hard to see what the Catholic/Christian Faith actually stands for. How do you reconcile darker events in Church history with what the Catholic Faith teaches?   33:47  - I’m planning on going to RCIA but I am not catholic yet. I was baptized protestant. I believe I am a “born again Christian”. A Catholic woman I was talking to said “you cannot be born again and pray to Saints” but I thought this is what the Catholic Church teaches?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered: 04:15  - Can you explain why some translations in the DRB are missing from other Catholic Bibles?   13:30  - How do you explain to a Catholic that the Novus Ordo was not a change in form?   22:53  - I received advice from a Priest that it is permissible to experiment to decide whether some things are near occasions of sin. Is this true?   29:00  - How do I respond to the rumor that Benedict XVI is still the Pope?   33:45  - Do I have to believe in Marian apparitions?   37:30  - Why is it important that Mary is a perpetual virgin?   49:30  - What is the difference between the Catholic and Protestant views on substitutionary atonement?    

Catholic Answers Live - Changes to the Latin Mass

  Questions Covered: 43:15  - What is it that changed after Vatican II that caused such division within the Church in the first place?   43:00  - Has Pope Francis considered the abuses in the Novus Ordo?   Resources Mentioned: Sacrosanctum Concilium Summorum Pontificum Traditionis Custodes

Catholic Answers Live - Christ: Antidote to Toxic Masculinity

  Questions Covered:   21:48  - How does Jesus’ anger at the temple speak to his masculinity?   46:34  - Are there any masculine attributes that Jesus acquired from St. Joseph?   49:44  - Some might say that the Church is doing the same thing as the moneychangers. How do I respond to this?   52:30  - Who died on the cross, God or Jesus?  

Catholic Answers Live - Jesus Master Psychologist

  Questions Covered: 31:19  - How would Jesus deal with someone who suffers from intrusive thoughts?   34:00  - How do I respond to a family member who identifies as a part of the LGBT community?   42:36  - How do my wife and I approach my abusive mother-in-law without disrespecting her authority?   47:40  - My wife recently passed. Is it self-centered of me to not wish to remarry?    

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

  Questions Covered:   21:48  - How does Jesus’ anger at the temple speak to his masculinity?   46:34  - Are there any masculine attributes that Jesus acquired from St. Joseph?   49:44  - Some might say that the Church is doing the same thing as the moneychangers. How do I respond to this?   52:30  - Who died on the cross, God or Jesus?  

Catholic Answers Live - Catholic Environmentalism

  Questions Covered:   23:05  - As a Catholic, how should we understand  Laudato si’ ?   31:28  - What is the Church’s suggestion for improving recycling and reusing initiatives?   37:11  - How do we prevent environmentalists from blaming production corporations?   45:31  - Is there a resource regarding environmentalism that Dr. Fahey can refer me to?   52:01  - Why has the environmental movement advocated for population control rather than conservation efforts?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   02:35  - Can you explain why the Eastern church is not a singular church?   07:30  - Why does the Church believe the Antichrist will come at the end of time?   14:15  - Why are there so many rules in Catholicism?   21:35  - How does an Apostolic Pardon differentiate from Last Rites or Plenary Indulgence?   24:08  - Can scripture prove that there are souls in Hell?   32:35  - Has there ever been a biblical scholar who has considered that Jesus’ saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, also implied Judas Iscariot?   36:55  - Why did Paul insist that Timothy get circumcised in Acts 16?   41:50  - Can we use non-Catholic depictions of Jesus?   46:00 -Does the Catholic Church hold to a reformed theology?   49:43  - Can a Catholic go to a civil wedding wherein the groom and bride have been cohabiting?   51:40  - Will there be plants an...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   06:10  - Could quantum entanglement be used to argue for free will?   11:55  - Where is Veronica mentioned in the Bible?   17:15  - Why should my friend not convert to Eastern Orthodoxy?   23:25  - Can I get counsel and reconciliation from the same priest?   36:25  - What do I make of the story of Uzzah?   45:25  - If babies die as infants at the end of time, what kind of body will they have in Heaven?   48:20  - Why does the pope take on a new name and how long has this tradition been around?   51:13  - Is a devout Catholic marketer allowed to run ads that depict same-sex marriage?    

Catholic Answers Live - Pro-Life Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   12:50  - Do you have any suggestions for someone trying to start a pro-life medical practice?   17:05  - How should a Catholic respond to someone who was raped and might want an abortion?   22:45  - If I am diagnosed with cancer, is it moral to refuse treatment?   29:05  - Can you explain some of the psychological effects of abortion?   33:20  - Do scientists harvest embryonic cells from fetuses while they are still alive?   39:45  - Are the brain death criteria for organ donation inaccurate?   46:35  - Some of the food and drugs I use involve fetal cell lines in their production. Is this morally acceptable, and if not, is there an alternative?   50:01  - Is there any research regarding prenatal cysts showing up on ultrasounds of unborn children?  

Catholic Answers Live - Truth About Vatican II

  Questions Covered:   17:53  - Are traditional Catholics allowed to reject the Second Vatican Council?   24:40  - Why do the prayers in Novus Ordo seem watered down?   31:30  - Why were Protestant advisors invited to Vatican II?   34:17  - What is a good resource to read the Vatican II documents?   43:40  - Do you think the conclusions of Vatican II would have been different had John the 23rd been involved for its entirety?   46:07  - Can the push to remove Latin from the Church be seen as demonically motivated?   52:45  - Would a more traditional Mass prevent the negligible treatment of the Eucharist?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   01:57  - Is it morally acceptable to watch a video about the occult?   07:55  - What is the distinction between the Eucharist being literally and “truly and actually” the Body of Christ?   16:45  - Is Mary and Joseph’s marriage invalid because it was not consummated?   29:04  - Can you explain to me free will and predestination?   31:57  - Just as parents can bless their children, can godparents bless their godchildren?   35:30  - Clement of Rome compares the Phoenix to Christ. What do you make of this?   43:15  - Does the Church hierarchy hold the power to ban the Latin Mass?   48:32  - Why can’t Catholics believe in universal salvation?    

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   03:20  - How does dispensation work?   08:35  - How do I explain to kids why the Church is opposed to the LGBTQ movement?   18:00  - What do I do when my wife doesn’t want to practice Natural Family Planning?   20:44  - Why is there an Apostles’ Creed and a Nicene Creed?   28:38  - Is it true that the Church canonized Buddha?   31:16  - Would a prenuptial agreement invalidate a marriage since it presupposes divorce?   35:38  - Would it be immoral to go to a mass held against a bishop’s orders   42:52  - Are  Homo sapiens  the only members of our genus that possess the image of God?   46:50  - Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?   52:19  - Is it morally acceptable to attend the funeral of someone who committed suicide?  

Catholic Answers Live - Vocation of Motherhood

  Questions Covered:   16:24  - I’ve been practicing NFP for my whole marriage and have two kids, but now I feel like I missed out on having a bigger family. I wanted to hear Beth’s thoughts.   21:00  - What are your thoughts on single motherhood?   35:30  - What are your views on how mothers should encourage their young adult children to communicate with their fathers?   45:47  - Is there a good reason for a family to limit the number of children they have?   49:02  - What’s your advice for mothers in their crazy early stages?    

Catholic Answers Live - Why Aren't You Catholic?

  Questions Covered:   03:50  - I’m not Catholic because of all the corruption in the Catholic Church throughout history.   17:00  - I’m not Catholic because I don’t think all the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament have been fulfilled.   28:55  - My biggest obstacles to becoming Catholic are the Catholic view of baptism and the use of icons.   42:55  - My biggest obstacle with becoming Catholic is the Papacy and its imperfections in the house of God.   52:00  - I’m not Catholic because I’m more comfortable in other Churches.    

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   06:39  - How should Job 38:1-6 be interpreted? It doesn’t sound like a compassionate God.   17:15  - Why are the Jesuits considered to be the black sheep of the Catholic family?   23:38  - What is the nature of heaven’s structure like, since we know that at least 3 people have bodies there?   32:55  - Do people who receive the Eucharist unworthily eat and drink condemnation (mortal sin) on themselves? Isn’t that the punishment of choosing to receive unworthily?   42:20  - I don’t think the book of Job is divinely inspired. How could such a vengeful God be our God?   53:05  - Now that marijuana is legal, is it okay to take it in moderation like a glass of wine or some Zoloft?  

Catholic Answers Live - Why Don't You Accept the Pope?

 Why don’t you accept the pope? Questions Covered:   06:45  - I don’t accept the pope because I read some historians who say the papacy didn’t exist until the second century.   17:08  - I don’t accept the Pope because he is satanic. For example, he had a Pachamama in the Vatican and embraces all these other religions.   28:53  - I don’t accept our current pope and am not in support of the Vatican. Also, the papal audience hall is a snake.   39:48  - I don’t accept the pope because he and others have not identified with the struggles of the poor. He doesn’t do enough for them.   48:01  - I don’t accept the Pope because he doesn’t protect Christians, especially in China.   52:50  - I can’t accept the pope because he gives Communion to pro-choice politicians.  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   00:50  - Is it accurate to say that God can create time and other things that change because of his permissive will?   06:45 – How do I explain Adoration and the real presence to my Protestant grandmother?   12:15  - Where can I find the physical, original books of the Bible?   24:00  - Why does it take so long for adults to get baptized?   34:45  - How am I supposed to be confident in God’s existence if the Church Fathers were only theorizing about him?   42:05  - Why has the Church never ousted the Italian mafia?   48:40  - My friend is trying to enter the Catholic Church but is being told she needs an annulment for her first marriage, which was supposedly a Catholic wedding. What should she do?   53:55  - Facebook Live…Is there a conflict between Luke and Matthew’s Nativity narratives?   55:00  - How do we know the prophecies in the Old Testament were referring t...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   04:48  - Where’s the best place for a lay person to get an online theology course?   08:00  - Is Hell eternal?   15:10  - What does it mean to say, “the gates of Hell shall not prevail”?   18:40  - Is it immoral to participate in rituals related to Kendo martial arts?   20:58  - How should I respond to someone who claims the Church is being selfish by refusing to use its wealth to solve world hunger?   29:06  - How do I explain to my son why the faith is true?   32:50  - Can you succinctly explain works and grace?   40:00  - Why do antediluvians live so long?   47:50  - What is the difference between the Star of David and the Star of Remphan?  

Catholic Answers Live - Bioethics

  Questions Covered:    08:13 – What is the Catholic viewpoint on gender transformation processes?   15:47  - I wanted to know if being gay is a sin?   22:47  - When will a Covid vaccine come out that doesn’t use aborted baby parts AT ALL (not in testing, not in the actual vaccine)?     25:07  - I’m asking about the morality of using medicine that contains the tissue from umbilical cords in it. Does this tissue come from aborted babies?   34:00  - What is the Church’s view on circumcision in light of the answer just given about not mutilating our bodies?   39:02  - Is homosexulaity considered a cross? Do they get special graces from having to bear this cross?   44:03  - I am 6 months pregnant and I have been looking into consuming the placenta. Is this ethical?   47:13  - What is the Church’s teaching on terminating a Parasitic twin?   50:15  - At what point did G...

Catholic Answers Live - Faith and Science

  Questions Covered:  08:45  - One of the arguments in the German Synodal against same sex marriage is that it goes against biology. I wanted to get Dr. Stacy’s thoughts on this matter.   14:50  - I’m a math teacher at a small private school. Our teachers try to use interdisciplinary methods, like I teach the possibility of the world coming into being through chance. How can I explain how math and statistics can work along with Christianity?   22:40  - I had a friend who asked about new world and old world theories in evolution. I was wondering what Dr. Stacy’s take on these were and what the Catholic Church teaches as well?   35:05  - At the end of the world, after the final judgement, we will have resurrected bodies like Jesus. Since Jesus ate fish in his resurrected body, I was wondering if we will continue raising plants and animals for food after the final judgment? Will the plants and animals  also be immortal s...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  Questions Covered:   04:58  - Can you address the following contradiction: people who believe in God have a choice to accept or reject his offer, yet God can’t prove his existence to me because that would affect my free will?   17:42  - I’ve heard stories about atheists who’ve had dreams about Jesus but convert to Protestantism rather than Catholicism. Why would this be?   24:30  - Can I get a dispensation for travel to remote areas?   29:00  - Why do so many Catholics seem hesitant to talk about their faith?   39:05  - Why did God create the serpent in Genesis if he foresaw the fall of man?   41:51  - What is the best way to reject Satan in our times?   46:55  - Can you explain Galatians 5:19-24?