Catholic Answers Live - Apologetics Do's and Don'ts
- 7:02 – My agnostic friend asked: Why did Jesus say ‘I’m the alpha and the omega’ if he didn’t speak Greek?
- 13:46 - How would you convince your own family member not to abort a baby?
- 22:53 - What’s the difference between the ascension and the assumption?
- 29:49 - Can you give me practical tips to respond to sensitive topics to middle schoolers?
- 39:14 - How would you go about doing apologetics with non-Catholic family members?
- 43:11 - I’m protestant, I’m not necessarily opposed to the Marian dogmas, but my inner skeptic tells me that it’s not in scripture. How do I overcome my inner skeptic?
- 51:09 - How do you tell someone that their beliefs are false if they believe that their beliefs can be false?
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