Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum


  • 02:42 - Does the Church consider the Greek language scripture and inspired scripture or only the original Aramaic? 
  • 12:33 - In Sacrosanctum  Concilium 36 it says that Latin needs to be preserved in the mass. Why hasn’t it been preserved? 
  • 21:17 - Who made the decision to change the word during the distribution of holy communion? What is the proper way of disposing of fragments and crumbs of the Eucharist? 
  • 29:26 - How do I balance my faith life and my life living in the world? 
  • 39:54 - What does the Church base its teaching on no premarital relations? 
  • 45:52 - Why don’t we have a specific name for God? 
  • 50:11 - Why was the mass changed from Latin to the vernacular? 


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Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum