Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum


  • 17:15 - Is there a cessation of apostolic gifts? 
  • 23:14 - Is it morally acceptable for a supreme court nominee to lie in order to get on the court to strike down abortion? 
  • 35:32 - Who are the watchers mentioned in the book of Enoch? 
  • 41:10 - I grew up believing in the rapture. I was recently told that it’s wrong but was never told what is right. What do Catholics believe? 
  • 48:37 - How can you be absolutely sure that Christianity is the right religion? 
  • 52:25 - How does a physician tell a patient who is near the end that it’s going to be ok? 


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Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum