Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum
- 03:38 - Are the Jewish-Christian lead tablets forgeries?
- 06:38 - Can a trans-man marry a trans-woman in the Catholic faith?
- 11:27 - It seems like a lot of the popes in history have been mean and evil? How does the Church respond? Was Martin Luther correct in trying to go against those things?
- 18:28 - How does the Church respond to a politician who supports abortion and receives communion?
- 28:11 - Being that there’s bishops in Germany advocating for a change in the catechism regarding the LGBT community, what are the disciplinary measures that the other bishops can place on them?
- 32:46 - I was accused of being a cannibal because of the Eucharist. How do I respond?
- 40:58 - Is it accurate to say that God’s ordaining will is will in himself? Is this will unrelated to his creation while his permissive will is in relation to his creation?
- 43:27 - How can I bring up a conversation about faith with my boyfriend?
- 48:15 - If both parties in a marriage have to freely enter into it, then, historically, how were arranged marriages valid?
- 52:17 - I’ve heard that you’re not supposed to judge someone’s soul, but can you help find it in the Catechism?
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