Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

 Questions Covered:

  • 02:10 - Is the Catechism “adding to the Bible” in the way that Revelation commands us not to?
  • 08:10 - Why do have to recite the rosary out loud?
  • 11:55 - What’s the Catholic understanding of having a personal relationship with Jesus?
  • 16:30 - Why do we ask the Saints to pray for us?
  • 20:41 - Is it okay for my girlfriend, who is visiting from out of town, to sleep in my apartment (in a separate room) for a night or two?
  • 24:47 - What are plenary indulgences, and what do they accomplish?
  • 33:51 - Is panentheism (Google: “the belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it”) an accurate view of God? Specifically, is it a more accurate representation of him than the traditional white-robed man or the postmodern “all around us” views?
  • 42:43 - Outside of receiving their communion, is it okay for me to regularly attend a Protestant worship service?
  • 48:27 - Why did Jesus often order those he healed miraculously to not tell anyone about it, and why did they so often disobey him?
  • 52:07 - I tried to go to confession before Mass recently and the priest told me he couldn’t hear me at the moment but he could hear me afterward. I said I wanted to confess before because I had a mortal sin and wanted to receive communion, and he said I could receive and then confess after Mass. I’ve never heard that from a priest before. Is it ok?


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