Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

 Questions Covered:

  • 01:02 - I have three arguments for why women should be allowed to be priests. 
  • 15:07 - What’s the scriptural and/or traditional basis for saying the fall of the angels took place before the fall of man? 
  • 21:46 - What is the connection between Christ’s ongoing intercession and the Eucharist? And if Christ’s intercession is reliant upon his sacrifice, doesn’t that hinder God’s omnipotence? 
  • 29:09 - Why would we choose wearing either a scapular or crucifix instead of the other? 
  • 35:14 - Do my wife and I have to wait to get our marriage convalidated before we try to conceive? 
  • 41:44 - What happens to Protestants who are in mortal sin but don’t have the sacrament of confession available to them? 
  • 47:50 - When we pray the Fatima prayer, do we really mean “Lead all souls to heaven” or just the elect? 
  • 51:15 - What happens to people who are ill and die without receiving last rites? 

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Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum