Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

 Questions Covered:

  • 03:22 - How do I respond to someone who says that in Vatican I, the Catholic Church officially named herself the Roman Catholic Church? I thought the term Roman Catholic wasn’t an official thing. 
  • 08:10 - Has the prophecy in Jeremiah 31:31-34 been fulfilled? 
  • 15:53 - Does a Catholic have to believe in human rights? 
  • 19:02 - The woman I have been dating has premonitions about future events that usually come to pass. Could this be a real thing? What would the Church say? 
  • 34:15 - Does the Church have an official teaching on organ donation? 
  • 47:21 - I am visiting my family for the first time in a while. We are all Protestant, but I am considering Catholicism. How can I broach this conversation with them?  
  • 52:22 - Did the Church ever have an official response to Dante’s Divine Comedy? 


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Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum