Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

 Questions Covered:

  • 07:35 - Is it wrong to have, and to be a eucharistic minister? Also receiving on the hand not okay? 
  • 13:40 - If you say the divine mercy chaplet at the bedside of someone dying but not at the hour of their death does it still help? 
  • 16:30 - How can I explain to my friend who was raised Catholic, but who has fallen away from the faith, why sinful things are wrong and why God sends us to hell for those things? For example, living with non-Catholic out of wedlock, or supporting homosexuality? 
  • 23:54 - What’s Karlo’s advice on having faith in Catholicism and its explanations, when the answers and defense of the questions I’ve asked, still haven’t satisfied my understanding with logical reasoning? 
  • 33:35 - If the Catholic church was never divided would we still have the Bible today, and would the bible be the same? 
  • 36:00 - What are the requirements for baptismal sponsors/godparents? 
  • 39:52 - I teach sixth grade religion, and in class we’ve been discussing where did souls go before Holy Saturday (before the gates of heaven were open). Many students have heard different opinions from their parents, how can I explain the truth to them? 
  • 46:16 - In Matthew 12:46-50, was Jesus implying that his mother and brethren were not in the will of God? 
  • 50:10 - My cousin ate meat on good Friday (which is a mortal sin, right?) and at our aunt’s funeral the following day he received communion. Was it my obligation to let the priest know? 


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