Catholic Answers Live - Whys of Catholic Belief

 Questions Covered:

  • 12:15 - Why do Catholics abstain from meat and fast on Fridays? 
  • 15:21 - Who rules over purgatory? 
  • 17:01 - What are the Catholic arguments for the existence of God? 
  • 29:11 - Why does the Catholic Church not allow the spreading of a deceased person’s ashes? 
  • 36:45 - What does the phrase “the sacrifice of the Mass” mean? 
  • 43:35 - What does the Catholic Church teach about unbaptized persons and purgatory and salvation? 
  • 48:35 - Why does the Church use the phrase “like the dewfall” in the 2nd version of the Eucharistic prayer?  
  • 50:43 - Why does the second paragraph of Nostra Aetate, from Vatican II, say that Buddhists can attain perfection?  

Resources Mentioned:

5 Proofs of the Existence of God by Ed Fesser


Aquinas’s Way to God


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