Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith
Questions Covered:
- 07:31 - How should I defend against the Orthodox claim that Peter is only the bishop of Rome and not of other places he lived in?
- 16:25 - What tips do you have for talking to someone who identifies as an agnostic materialist?
- 20:45 - How do you defend faith against the atheist claim that quantum mechanics prove that there are uncaused causes?
- 29:00 - How do we defend the premise in the cosmological argument that says there can’t be an infinite causal regress?
- 35:30 - In our arguments, should we look more at the methodology of our discussion partners instead of going straight to the evidence?
- 44:15 - How do I articulate the Catholic stance on justification?
- 49:05 - If existence is goodness, how does that account for things like torture devices?
Resources Mentioned:
Five Proofs for the Existence of God by Ed Feser
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