Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

 Do you want to better understand God’s word?

Questions Covered: 

  • 03:22 - How do we know that the Old Testament ceremonial laws are from God and not just made up? 
  • 15:35 - 3 people are mentioned in the Apostle’s Creed – Jesus, Mary, and Pontius Pilate. Why is Pontius Pilate included? 
  • 21:04 - Why did Jesus go to hell if he was not a bad man? Also, why does Jesus say in the New Testament, “Why have you forsaken me?” 
  • 28:40 - In Leviticus, when God is telling the priests what to do and wear, it is so different from how Jesus speaks about the priesthood. Why is that? 
  • 34:45 - When reading the Bible, how do we determine which passages are figurative and which are literal? 
  • 43:40 - Where in the Bible does it condemn witching and crystals? How are those different from relics? 
  • 51:56 - What is your advice to be cautious about when embarking on a Bible study? I don’t want to impose too much of my own thoughts on the text, but just to accept what it presents to me. 

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