
Showing posts from April, 2020

Catholic Answers Live - Bible Blueprint for the Papacy

Did Jesus truly make Peter the first Pope? How does the Catholic Church know that the popes are given that same authority? Find out here, with Karlo Broussard. Questions Covered: 14:32  - A Protestant told me that the “rock” referred to by Jesus actually meant “pebble” and so could not refer to Peter. How can I respond to this?   20:57  - If Christ appointed Peter as pope and gave him authority and the following popes authority, then how do you explain the division in the Catholic Church?   31:25  - I do not think that the statement “and upon this rock” refers to Peter, it refers to his confession.   41:22  - How do you respond to Protestants who say that the papacy was ONLY given to Peter and not his successors?   49:41  - What is the best way to respond to people who insist on speaking negatively about our current Pope?  

Catholic Answers Live - Chastity

The Catholic Church teaches that all people are called to chastity, whether that be in marriage, religious life, or as a single person. Jason Evert helps listeners to navigate that calling. Questions Covered: 17:46  - I am a mom and I have a 30-year-old son. I have made mistakes in my life and I am trying to keep my son from making the same mistakes. How can I discuss chastity and holiness with him?   32:32  - I am turning 25 and I have been trying to adhere to the teaching of chastity. I have been struggling though. What are some tools and skills I can use to be successful and not feel like such a battle each day?   44:08  - If you marry someone and  later,  they decide they don’t want to have sex  anymore;  can you file for an annulment?   50:45  - Are there any limits to sexual acts between husband and wife? 53:23  - I am dating a divorced woman. What is the best way to navigate that?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum Part 2

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 06:16  - I am having a difficult time with the presidential candidates this year. I don’t really want to vote for either, but I am very pro-life. What can I do?   20:36  - What are some Marian apparitions that are not approved?   28:18  - Why didn’t King Saul pray to Samuel like we do to the saints?   35:55  - What does the Catholic Church teach about UFOs?   41:30  - How can I know when the Bible should be taken literally and when it should be taken metaphorically?

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum Part 1

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 03:35  - What did St. Gregory of Nissa believe about the Eucharist?   14:42  - Is it true that at one point in Catholic history an empress was putting evil popes into office and was even married to one of them?     18:23  - What is the Catholic answer to the Protestant objection that there does not need to be an infallible authority to select the canon of Scripture?   32:43  - Is it true that two people can confer the sacrament of marriage upon one another in the  absence of clergy?   37:05  - What is the current position of the Catholic Church on limbo?   46:04 –  H ow  did  Jesus address the 5 , 000?    48:20  - Is it true that the particles left by the...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum for Non Catholics

Today’s show is set aside for atheists, agnostics, Protestants, and anyone else who is non-Catholic to call in with their questions about the Catholic Church. Questions Covered: 01:47  - What is the Catholic understanding of the imputation of righteousness as opposed to the imp artation of righteousness?   14:49  - Mary is my major stumbling block. How could she possibly be omnipresent?   22:11  - I am reading Rod Bennett’s book, The Apostasy That Wasn’t. My Protestant pastor says  the early Church went off the rails almost immediately. What is true?   28:41  - I am a part of the Church of Christ. How is Communion in my Church different from the Eucharist in the Catholic Church?   32:17  - I was supposed to be baptized and come into the Church at Easter, but everything was  canceled. Can I be baptized by a Protestant preacher? No one in the Catholic Church seems to know when I’ll be able to be baptized.   41:35 ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum for Non Catholics

Today’s show is set aside for atheists, agnostics, Protestants, and anyone else who is non-Catholic to call in with their questions about the Catholic Church. Questions Covered: 10:00  - I am agnostic but very curious about the Catholic Church after listening to your show recently. What should my next step be?   23:55  - Why was the Latin Mass suppressed in the USA?    35:40  - I was looking for a way to take RCIA  online but  cannot find anything. Can you help me?   41:50  - Where do I go from here? I have done lots of research and read some books. Also, what is a resource for me to learn about the early Church Fathers and their teachings?    46:23  - How can Catholics believe that going to confession will save or not save someone ?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 13:17  - Aquinas asserts that an infinite series  can not  exist, that there must be a first cause. In math, there can be infinite series. Does this disprove Aquinas’ theory?   21:26  - How were moral truths created? Atheists say that our brains and nature evolve our nervous systems to create moral truths.   28:52  - Does Thomas Aquinas differ from the Catholic view on predestination?   42:45  - Why don’t debaters use Revelation 5:13 as evidence for Mary being able to hear multiple prayers?   47:50  - Mother Teresa encouraged people to pray, “Mary, Mother of Jesus, take away all sin from my life.”  My Protestant mother wants to know, how can Catholics pray this when it is  Jesus...

Catholic Answers Live - Is It Okay to Separate?

Rose Sweet helps Catholics to navigate spousal separation and to understand the Church’s teaching on marriage. Questions Covered: 16:52  - I have a son who is getting ready to file for divorce. He is married to an abusive woman who is on drugs and there are 3 kids involved. How will the Church view this?   21:55  - Is Rose Sweet available for private advice?   23:23  - I was previously in the marine corps and was married, but things didn’t work out. I wasn’t religious at that time. Will it ever be possible for me to have a wife again?   30:50  - When is it okay to realize that divorce is the right answer? My dad was sexually abusing my mom and me and she finally left him and got a divorce once it affected me.   34:39  - I have been separated from my wife for 8 years. I don’t think either of us intends on getting married to anyone else and we may get back together someday. She just filed for  divorce. Will we still be married ...

Catholic Answers Live - Life After Death

What do Catholics believe about death, heaven, hell, and purgatory? Find out here, with Catholic Answers apologist, Karlo Broussard. Questions Covered: 13:23  - Why did Jesus tell Mary M not to touch him but told her to go tell the apostles that He is risen?    17:23  - Where is purgatory mentioned in the Bible?   31:11  - My parents both died in February. Is the promise that a person wearing their scapular goes to heaven?   38:27  - Do we exist in heaven before we are born?   43:30  - When we die, are we going to experience the Resurrection immediately?    51:28  - Where do babies go if they die before they are baptized?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum Part 2

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 01:45  - How do we apply the teachings of the Bible to our lives, practically? I am not  Catholic,  but I want to be living my faith in a real way each day.   13:19  - There’s a strange rumor going around that if Israel’s population were to become at least  50% Catholic, the second coming would be near. Is there any truth in this?   17:06  - Is it possible that there was human death before the fall? Is this compatible with Catholic teaching?   22:47  - How do we know that Mary was lifted into heaven at the Assumption?   29:14  - How are all people made equally by God when some people are made with mental or physical disabilities?   34:10  - How is true that Mary could be c...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum Part 1

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 03:00  - Since we have unconsecrated hosts at our house, can we bring them in front of the live Mass to consecrate them?   05:18  - How do you know that a valid ecumenical council is one that is recognized by the pope? Couldn’t it be one that was recognized by the five ecumenical patriarchs?   08:29  - What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?   23:42  - What is meant by the term “Godhead”?   29:39  - How can you find someone to help with exorcism and possession when you need help? I have tried to seek out help in the Church and never found help.   34:00  - Do you have an opinion on the 3 days of darkness?   40:15  - Can you help me to understand Luke 11:27-28?   43:34 ...

Catholic Answers Live - Life After Death

What do Catholics believe about death, heaven, hell, and purgatory? Find out here, with Catholic Answers apologist, Karlo Broussard. Questions Covered: 05:04  - How can we reconcile the fact that God says he knew us before he knit us in our mother’s womb and the Catholic teaching that a soul comes into existence at conception?    14:03  - I have heard befor e that when Jesus died, he descended to the dead. Where did he go to retrieve the dead?   18:34  - Will we have free will at the Last Judgement?   29:34  - I know it is ultimately our decision whether we go to heaven or hell. Wouldn’t it be better for us not to have free will so we can all be in heaven?   45:07  - Is Judas in hell? What does the Catholic Church say about this?   52:25  - Is purgatory more like heaven or hell? If our loved ones go to hell, how can heaven truly be paradise for us?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 10:34  - There is a group that says that the devil is more afraid of Mary than of Jesus Christ. Isn’t this blasphemy?   15:14  - It seems like at times men in Scripture need to be commissioned by Christ to cast out demons, but Jesus also says, whoever is not against me is for me. How can we reconcile these  two positions?   21:58  - How can people justify entertaining the idea of women priests?   29:06  - A family member told me she had a vision that I was going to have a baby and that she had seen the baby. She practices necromancy and other things. How can I speak to her about this?    34:46  - How can we worship in truth instead of going to Church during this time?   40:07  - ...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 07:35  - What is the justification of Holy Days?   17:10  - Is there a difference in Scripture between using the word “rend” versus “tear”?   20:18  - Chris Check did a fabulous job speaking about Lepanto. How do we speak so well about  the Catholic Church with confidence?   33:05  - What is the difference between blessings and graces?   36:52  - My wife is Protestant and she does not understand the intricacies of the Catholic Church. How can I explain to her the many traditions of the Church, like burning incense, the priest speaking prayers under his breath?   47:18  - Vatican I Session 2: 6 January 1870 Profession of faith quote, “This true Catholic faith, outside of which none ...

Catholic Answers Live - Bioethics

Fr. Tad addresses vaccines, end of life care, and more. Questions Covered: 21:42  - What is the morality of eastern medicines?   33:20  - Is it immoral to take vaccines?   41:30  - There is a political person who wants the entire country to be vaccinated and then marked as vaccinated. Would that be the mark of the beast, and would he be the antichrist?   46:30  - My mom passed away a few weeks ago and I want to know if I really did  everything  I should have to try to preserve her life. She didn’t want to  eat  and we didn’t do a feeding tube. Can you help me with this?   Resources Mentioned:  National Catholic Bioethics Center