
Showing posts from December, 2022

Catholic Answers Live - Flannel Panel

  05:03 – P22, the mountain lion that, in downtown Los Angeles, died. 17:53  - Vatican Corruption – Paglia, Beciu, and more. 42:50 – Introducing Jordan, major gifts manager for Catholic Answers 49:10  - Pope’s Resignation Letter

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  00:54  - I feel like I don’t have a path. How do I faith in God? 11:54  - What’s the relation of James the lesser to Jesus? 21:28  - Why did the Jewish people sacrifice animals? Was it a matter of having sins forgiven just to feel better since heaven wasn’t open? 28:40  - What role did the Talmud help, if any, in establishing the canon of scripture in the Catholic Church? 35:55  - The food chain seems a bit cruel for God to create. What are your thoughts on this? 46:34  - How do you respond to protestants who say the rosary isn’t in the bible? 51:30  - Who were the shepherds that the angels appeared to during the birth of Christ?

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

  02:19  - With the current understanding of stem cells, how do we now understand the relationship between Mary and Jesus and the sharing of their DNA? 06:02  - What do you say when a Protestant uses “one will be taken, one will be left” in support of the rapture? 17:08  - Isn’t “double effect” similar to ends justifying the means? How is it consistent with Catholic faith? 34:59  - Can you please answer if Catholics should believe in Santa and if they should tell their children about Santa? 38:06  - Who do you go to when you experience extreme spiritual gifts? 42:49  - Is it possible for Faith and science to intersect on the assumption of Mary? 45:22  - What would be the best way to respond to someone who is very anti-Mary?

Catholic Answers Live - Bioethics

  22:01  - What’s the difference between stem cells and cell lines?   34:13  - How do we respond to people who ground human value in consciousness?   36:54  - Could you give an overview of transhumanism and if there is any link to the covid vaccine?   41:19  - What do you think is the reason why people become gay? Is it genetic or is it cultural?   46:51  - The drug Humera is made with human and animal cells. Do you know what those cells are specifically from?   49:23  - If a trans person is considering joining the Catholic Church, would they have to detransition?   52:40  - Have we forgotten that there is a stage in human development where we have a nonsexual same sex attraction?  

Catholic Answers Live - Tips for Defending the Faith

  03:05 –  How would one come to know the gender of one who is intersex?   11:21  - What’s the reasoning behind the teaching that Jesus is present in both species?   14:45  - Is it possible to live a contemplative life as a married man?   21:57  - If Adam and Eve were perfect before the fall how did they have imperfect judgment by choosing sin?   30:01  - How can we prove that Mary was always a virgin?   38:12  - How can I prove that we receive salvation through faith and works and not salvation through faith alone?   43:19  - Does God already know if we are going to heaven or hell?