
Showing posts from July, 2020

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 01:21  - I have a family that was very traumatizing to me and I wonder if I would remember that in heaven? 04:52  - I was reading Genesis and it talks about how God had taken Enoch away, did he go to heaven, or was he taken to some other place and why would God do that? 14:30  - I have a problem with purgatory, I cannot find any scripture backup for purgatory. Can you explain it? 22:26  - I have a little office book and the hours on are at midnight and dawn; with the monks who do it, do they only sleep 5 hours, or do they wake and then go back to sleep? How is the office done in terms of sleep? 28:40  - How do we know that the bible is the truth? 34:21  - I heard one of your podcasts about Jesus blessing aliens and I was won...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 04:49  - I am looking for information on a former NASA scientist who went through some tests and had a supernatural event happen. I am wondering if you have any info on it? 07:00  - What are some ways to stay motivated in the faith? 15:07  - What would it take to get the Roman and Eastern Orthodox churches together? 18:35  - Can you comment on the Church’s position on attending a non-sacramental wedding? 21:45  - How was it determined that the priest wear black and a white-collar? How did that start? 23:15  - Other churches seem to utilize the gifts of the Holy Spirit more than the Catholic Church and I am wondering why? 29:18  - What is the meaning of the word prayer? My protestant friends consider blasphemous outside ...

Catholic Answers Live - The Problem with Human Trafficking

Christ the Physician is able to heal all wounds and is willing to go into the darkest corners of our society to bring that healing. Grace Williams is among a growing number of Christians involved in healing the traumas of the sex trade. She shares her story with us and answers caller questions about what more can be done. Questions Covered: 9:43 – How much is pornography linked to sex trafficking? 35:20  - I wanted to know what saints inspire Grace’s work? How can we support Grace and her work? 50:40  - I have an apostolate that has to do with the same thing but I do preventative and making families aware of the issue and I wanted to ask what type of information we should be giving families to help protect families and their children? If you would like to learn more about Grace Williams and support her ministry, Child of the Immaculate Heart, please go to 

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. Questions Covered: 04:21  - I’m a practicing catholic, I go to church every day, what would be your argument for God without quoting scripture, just using your own theological reasoning? 22:22  - I read an article that uses the future tense, but I fail to see how it helps the catholic position. 28:25  - Is it okay to ask for the intersession pray of a Catholic who is not canonized as a saint yet? 32:03  - I recently discovered that the Jewish tradition of mezuzah, a door frame tradition, is there a way to observe that as a Catholic? 37:04  - Will we still have relationships (father, mother, wife, etc) in heaven, or will we be more like angels?

Catholic Answers Live - Pope Peter

The author of  Pope Peter: Defending the Church’s Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis  explains why unity with the pope is the key mark of the Catholic Faith. He also explains how papal infallibility is a gift to the ordinary Christian, and how misunderstanding papal infallibility can lead to confusion and disappointment.

Catholic Answers Live - Pope Peter

The author of  Pope Peter: Defending the Church’s Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis  explains why unity with the pope is the key mark of the Catholic Faith. He also explains how papal infallibility is a gift to the ordinary Christian, and how misunderstanding papal infallibility can lead to confusion and disappointment.

Catholic Answers Live - Why Are You Pro-Choice?

Listeners call and share their reason for being pro-choice, whether it be in regards to abortion, end of life care, or other medical actions that affect taking a human life.

Catholic Answers Live - Why Are You Pro-Choice?

Listeners call and share their reason for being pro-choice, whether it be in regards to abortion, end of life care, or other medical actions that affect taking a human life.

Catholic Answers Live - Kids Show

Questions Covered 03:33  - How should I interpret Jesus’ visit to Martha and Mary?   07:07  - Is there another meaning to the stories of Jonah & the whale and David & Goliath?   13:23  - Did the big bang really happen?   23:11  - What language did Adam and Eve speak?   28:59  - Why did Jesus say “behold your mother; mother, behold your son?”   32:00  - Did God create all animals before humans or did he keep working after humans were created?   36:00  - Why is it bad to grumble  and how do I fix it ?   42:06  - In Romans 8 it  says  “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” What does that mean?   47:53  - Are you a baby in heaven before you’re a baby on earth?   49:25  - If a priest blesses you, but he doesn’t want to bless you, do you still get fully blessed?   51:17  - How many disciples were ther...

Catholic Answers Live - Restoring Humanity

Questions Covered: 30:01  - Will this topic be taught in Dr. Staudt’s upcoming master’s class at the Augustine Institute?   32:05  - We went very quickly from a Christian culture to an atheist/pagan culture. How do we start to change it back?   35:50  - How can we practically begin to build the intergenerational communities Mr.  Staud  referred to?   45:00  - How do you see the future of the Catholic Church in America?   Resources Mentioned: Restoring Humanity  by Dr. Jared Staudt

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Questions Covered: 00:47  - Why does the Church allow organ donation but not the scattering of ashes?   06:02  - I read a protestant claim that said early Church worship was much closer to modern charismatic services than it was to the Catholic Mass.   14:06  - What’s the current role of the Camerlengo of the College of Cardinals?   16:48  - Is it ok for me to attend the bridal shower of my friend who fell away from the faith?   20:32  - The Church claims it’s the only authority of scripture, but according to natural law we’re able to reason to moral truths ourselves. Isn’t that a double standard?   28:43  - My atheist friend says religion is just something people tell themselves for a long enough time until they believe it. How can I respond to him?   34:24  - What’s the distinction between spiritual gluttony and the pursuit of wisdom? How do I know which I’m engaging in?   41:22  - How was God created?   4...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Questions Covered: 04:03  - In Acts 9, it says that Saul was given authority by the high priests to make arrests in Damascus. Some people say that the high priest wouldn’t have had that authority. Is that true?   14:00  - Is there anything I should be cautious of when reading St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas?   18:41  - What’s the role of Satan in the world? Is he bound or unbound?   23:00  - How can I, as a convert, discuss this in a way respectful to my wife, who’s not happy with me becoming Catholic?   31:42  - What books that are lost, if rediscovered, would make Jimmy most excited?   35:04  - How do you reconcile the infallibility of the Bible with statements that Jesus would come soon?   41:45  - If it’s sacrilegious to try to empirically prove what the Eucharist is, how can we know it’s the Body of Christ?   49:21  - What are the general Catholic theories on predestination and how it relates to God bei...

Catholic Answers Live - Promise and Presence of God

How can Catholics best handle the anxiety and uncertainty that a time of pandemic has brought? Cardinal Burke and Fr. Paul Check are here to help. Questions Covered: 20:55  - Canon law states that the faithful have the right to receive on the tongue, however, many bishops are refusing Communion, except in the hand. Is it more reverent to receive in the hand or to make a spiritual communion?   30:30  - Can you talk about your canonical opinion of the Our Lady of America apparitions and how they might be important to our country?   35:00  - Is wearing masks a pro-life issue?   41:27  - Does the USCCB have a plan for fighting the intrusion of the state governments on our religious liberty?   45:45  - What is your opinion on the practice of the children’s liturgy where children are sent out of the Church to hear the gospel and homily from an unordained person?   49:00  - Did Vatican II specify anything for the very large paris...

Catholic Answers Live - Pilgrimage and Beauty

Are Catholics called to make pilgrimages? Find out here, with Cardinal Raymond Burke, live from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guada Questions Covered: 34:25  - What makes something a transcendent beauty? What is done to make the beauty of a Church timeless?   49:05  - How does one choose between pilgrimage sites? Is it okay to choose based on what we are drawn to? How do we discern where the Lord calls us?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 02:20  - Is the  sedevacantist  claim that canonizations are not infallible after Vatican II true?   23:24  - Why did the Last Supper take place before our Lord’s Resurrection and not after?   28:33  - What can you do when it seems like two Church approved documents are contradicting each other?   39:45  - In the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, were they punished or was being naked always sinful?   48:00  - My Protestant friend said that we are all saints so we shouldn’t reference the saints in heaven as Saints. How can I respond to him?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 01:43  - What does the term “gravely illicit” acts mean? Are they the same as intrinsically evil acts?   05:00  - At the end of time, when there is a great persecution against the Church, will it be a genocide? What will it look like?   12:08  - Some people think that 1 John 5:7 and Matthew 28:19  were  added into the Bible later. How can this be refuted?   18:10  - When discussing abortion, it seems like we talk more about the sin of it rather than the reality of what birth does to a woman. Why is that?   22:30  - Can a priest ever break the seal of confession?   29:17  - What is the difference between penance and indulgence?   35:40  - When instituting the Eucharist, why does Je...

Catholic Answers Live - With One Accord

Catholic Answers Live - Why Don't You Think Catholicism Makes Sense?

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

Callers with questions about Sacred Scripture are welcome today. Questions Covered: 00:45  - When Saul went to see the medium in the Old Testament, who was that medium talking to? I used to be a seventh day A dventist  and we didn’t believe that dead people went to heaven or hell.   11:57  - Where in the Bible does it say that a Catholic can’t marry outside of the Catholic Church?   21:10  - What translation of the Bible do Catholic Churches in the United States use during the Mass?   24:14  - It seems that there is evidence that  Sts . Peter and Paul were in Rome at the same time. Did they know that and each other?   32:47  - In the 2 Kings, Elijah is taken up into heaven. Was this literally an assumption of Elijah into heaven or were people just saying he had died?   35:25  - How do I defend the fact that Catholics can eat pork, even though Jesus says in Mark that it is unclean?   40:30  - Which translation of ...

Catholic Answers Live - Your Bible Questions

Callers with questions about Sacred Scripture are welcome today. Questions Covered: 03:44  - How are we meant to understand Matthew 7:1-5?   13:13  - Is there anything in Paul’s letters that shows the flawed theology of dispensationalism?   21:31  - Since the Bible is so old, which is the most trustworthy translation of it?   28:52  - In the New Testament, we hear about the Sadducees and Pharisees, but not in the Old Testament. When did these groups come into existence?   33:11  - What happened to the apostles after the crucifixion?   41:15  - I am becoming Catholic. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church have Bible studies and fellowship like in my old church?   47:40  - How do we reconcile the decalogue in  E xodus and 1 Corinthians 13?  

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 01:08  - How would you explain to a modern American woman the way women lived and were treated in the Old Testament? It seems absurd to explain to them.   06:43  - How did original sin change our bodies, most particularly in regards to childbirth?   14:26  - How can I explain Acts 8:14-17 to my Protestant friends?   18:48  - In the catechism, it defines what constitutes a sacramental marriage. One of the stipulations says that it requires two baptized individuals. Why is this? Where in the Bible is a sacramental marriage defined?   22:05  - My nephew is doing his Confirmation and he wants me to support him doing that, but I am conflicted because I think he’s just doing it to check it off a list. Shou...

Catholic Answers Live - Open Forum

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.   Questions Covered: 01:09  - Are 2 Timothy 1 and 4 good support for praying for the dead?   13:21  - What can I do practically to serve the Church?   18:27  - When Peter declares Jesus to be the Christ, and Christ responds calling Peter the “rock,” was he referring to Peter as the foundation of the Church or just the Church in general?   33:40  - Why is Luke 23:34 a part of the gospel?   43:20  - In prayer, do Christians conceptualize that they are praying to the Trinity, or individually to the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?   48:18  - The priest in my parish is forcing us to receive in the hand. Is this right and something that he  can  do?   Resources Mentioned: The Expositor’s Bible Commentary Why be Cat...

Catholic Answers Live - Is Catholic Social Teaching Marxist?

Questions Covered: 18:12  - What is the proper response for a Catholic man to everything going on right now?   23:34  - Why does the seamless garment argument keep arising amongst our priests when it has been disastrous previously ?   33:10  - How would you tie in the French Revolution? What kind of communism was that?   41:42  - Do you have any perspective on cooperatives that are Marxist socialism that doesn’t require government intervention? Could the Catholic Church align with that?   47:00  - What does the Catholic Church teach about slavery? Is it intrinsically evil or is it a developed doctrine?  

Catholic Answers Live - Ask a Priest

Listeners are welcome to call in with any question about the Catholic faith. Questions Covered: 05:25  - How do Catholics understand the two natures of Christ? Since he was human, did he make mistakes?   11:31  - Can we go to confession over the phone and receive absolution?   13:13  - What do you think about the statue of St. Louis being removed?   18:00  - If a priest is excommunicated and then brought back into communion with the Church, would they come back as a priest or as a layperson?   22:57  - Why does the Catholic Church still worship on Sunday when the Sabbath was on Saturday?   30:37  - What does the word ‘blessing’ mean? How can we possibly bless the Lord? Why does the Bible say, “Bless the Lord, o my soul!”?   33:48  - Was Christ perfect because he never sinned, or was he unable to sin because he was perfect?   40:48  - Do the different orders of priests in Catholic Church believe different things o...